openDias - Project Portal

The openDias project is an Open Source offering, to bring a professional document scanning and storage utility for the home user. OpenDias (Document Imaging Archive System) provides document storage and a document work-flow application to the home or small business user.

Store all your letters, bills, statements, etc. in a convenient, safe, and easily retrievable way.

Image documents using a scanner (SANE device), or import PDF, ODF or plain images. Use OCR on these documents to extract the raw text. Then assign a title, a date, tags and other user data for easy indexing, and later searching, browsing, updating or printing.

May 29 2014 - The 0.9.5 FINAL release has been cut. go get it.

The main features of openDias are:

  • Scan documents (SANE). Extract the text (OCR), and use for searching or export.
  • Import PDF, ODF and Image files, extract images and text from these as well.
  • Assign tags to docs, link docs to each other, zoom in, export and print docs.
  • Auto detect similar documents, the application can offer to 'tag' and 'title' new docs for you.
  • Application is accessible from any HTTP browser, and secured behind usernames and passwords.
  • Application is fully localisable (currently localised into English, German and Dutch).
  • Published API that is fully tested.

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